Open since 1997, we have vast knowledge and experience in professional recruitment and manpower management services
To date we have more than 50,000 candidates in our database. We also regularly post job advertisements and actively participate in recruitment fairs and conferences on an on- going bases, which have proven to be a rousing success. We are confident that we have an extensive and most importantly, targeted employee database.
Our team of experienced consultants will help remove the burden off all the staffing needs in your organization, giving you only the best candidates after rounds of short-listings and selections, which are based closely on your requirements as far as possible.
A potential candidate has to go through at least 3 rounds of short-listing before they can be selected and recommended to our Clients. An overview on the local recruitment process is shown as follows:
- Requirements received from Client
- Sourcing (Database Search and Job Advertisement)
- 1st Round – Screening of candidates
- 2nd Round – Consultants interview selected candidates
- 3rd Round – Shortlist potential candidates
- Short-listed candidates will be presented to Clients for interview and selection